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  • The Easiest Way to Start Writing

The Easiest Way to Start Writing

Figure out the ways to Lose & Do the Opposite

Most people get overwhelmed by writing.

We focus on the size of the task. Hitting a page count, making sure the graphics are pristine, or the research we have to do to start the paper. And these are legitimate worries to focus upon.

But are they relevant right now?

Do you need to worry about page count if you haven’t written a single word? Are graphics important if you don’t have any data? How do you know you need to do all the research if you haven’t started writing?

The easiest way to overcome getting started is to invert your thinking.

Inversion Thinking:

From the mathematician, Carl Jacobi, inversion thinking is when you take a problem and look at it from the opposite direction.

It’s easier for our brains to find threats, then to find solutions.

Instead of asking how can I be successful?
Ask what can I do to not be successful?
Then do the opposite of the list and you will be successful.

Let’s apply it to writing: How can I write a horrible newsletter?

  • Don’t have action items at the end.

  • Don’t provide value to the reader.

  • Don’t format for readability.

  • Be Vague in the purpose.

  • Write wall of texts.

  • Use Jargon.

Then invert them.

  • Don’t have action items at the end.
    —> Add Action Items

  • Don’t provide value to the reader.
    —> Provide Value

  • Don’t format for readability.
    —> Format for Readability

  • Be Vague in the purpose.
    —> Be Clear

  • Write wall of texts.
    —> Break up your texts

  • Use Jargon.
    —> use simple language

Don’t focus on page count when writing, focus on avoiding the first list.

And start writing.

Action Item: Be —> Do —> Have:

Most people focus on what they want & try to get it.

I want to make $10,000 from writing.
I want to write 100 short stories.
I want a six-pack.

But focusing on the result—what they want to have—is a good way to ensure you don’t hit it.

Because you’ll quit at the first sign of resistance when you think you won’t reach it.

Instead of focusing on the “have”, focus on “being”.

Ask yourself what would someone who made $10,000 from writing do? Then do what they would do.

“You can’t think your way into right action, but you can act your way into right thinking.”

― Bill Wilson, Alcoholics Anonymous

Start by acting as your future successful self & the evidence will catch-up.

If you want to be fit, and you start acting as a future fit version of yourself, you will become fit.

  • If a fit person goes to the gym 3 times a week & runs every morning, do it.

  • If a fit person avoids eating sugary foods, avoid eating sugary foods.

If you do these things, you will become fit.

Achieving success in the future is about acting our way to right thinking, instead of waiting for the right time.

If you want to write, ask yourself what would a successful writer do?

Then do it.


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